If you are thinking about venturing into internet marketing, then I highly suggest you check out
Honest Riches by Holly Mann. After being scammed so many times and losing hundreds of $$, finally I have found an honest way to make an income from working online. If you are skeptical, like I was, Holly even has a message board http://www.honestworkfromhomesuccess.com/ where you can ask her questions as well as get lots of great advice. The techniques that she describes in her e-book are real ways of earning money, not ways to get rich overnight. It is not a get-rich scheme and you do have to put some effort into it. She describes ways to earn money step-by-step in very easy to understand instructions. I was new to internet marketing so I knew absolutely nothing about internet marketing other than how to get scammed.
Here are some highlights from her e-book Honest Riches as listed by Holly:
How would you like to know EXACTLY what keywords people are typing in Google, Yahoo and other major search engines every day? You will discover how many times those keywords are being typed in, similar phrases, misspelling, number of times per day and amount of competing websites. Do you want to know what's "hot" and how to find your NICHE? I will tell you my Most Guarded Secret - the Most Important Tool you will ever use in your marketing efforts. It has made me tens of thousands of dollars in profits - and can change your life too.
Do you want a Professionally Designed, FREE website right away so you can pull in even more money? If you would like to have a website but aren't experienced with designing and maintaining sites and all else that is involved, I tell you Exactly how to get a FREE website setup within 5 minutes with NO costs whatsoever. You never have to pay for hosting and you don't need any real web design experience.
Don't spend a dime on Advertising. Keep 100% Profits. Not only is it possible (I'm a Proven Success) but it is feasible if you follow the steps in my e-book. I will provide more detailed information about different money making techniques with and without a website and low-cost and FREE advertising and site promotion.
I provide a DETAILED guide to Search Engine Optimization - What to Do and How to do It - giving you the exact information about How I get my WEBSITES to the top 5 position of EVERY search engine and how you can do the same. EVERY SINGLE website I have optimized for specific keywords has reached the top 1-5 ranking - EVERY ONE TO THIS DAY!!! It doesn't take a genius to do - skyrocket your traffic today. SEO is the single most important tool in making money online because without site visitors - your internet venture is worthless. (Step-by-step guide - huge new SEO chapter - copy me)
I will also provide you with details about TOP PAYING AFFILIATE PROGRAMS to sign up with, and the ones I use and profit from. This is my main source of income. From my personal experience I recommend affiliate programs way far above and beyond any time-consuming ventures and other things that involve a lot of manual work.
Full Chapter on Creating & Selling Your Own E-Book online. I will teach you how to conceptualize your e-book idea, research, write, promote it, create a website and sell it online. I will save you time & money so you do not make the same mistakes I have in the past. I will tell you what software to use and how to do it all for free.
If you would like to learn more, check out
Honest Riches. If you are still skeptical, then feel free to check out her forum at http://www.honestworkfromhomesuccess.com/ and talk to some other folks who are using her techniques or even ask Holly herself any questions you may have.