If you are wanting to start earning money online, the most profitable way is either to have your own product or become an affiliate and sell others' products. Although some have made a little money just using free advertising or article writing, most are more successful having their own website and either selling their own products or becoming an affiliate through companies such as Clickbank, Linkshare, Share-A-Sale, GlixGalore, etc.
If you are thinking about building a website, then Homestead has a 30-day free trial period. There are many, many templates to choose from and you can start building a site and have it online very quickly.
Build a Professional Website with Homestead. Try for free!
Here is one of the sites I have created through Homestead and it was very easy to get going. I still have some work to do on it but the platform is very easy. If I can do it, then most anyone can.